The latest currency exchange rate as of Nov 26.
Do you intend to travel abroad soon? Then, as of November 26, 2022, here are the most recent Malaysian Ringgit and foreign currency exchange rates.
According to the most recent exchange rates of money changers in Klang Valley, RM4.463 can be converted into US$1, RM3.252 into Singapore dollars, and RM32.75 into 1000 yen.
Thai baht exchange rate is 100 baht to 12.57 ringgits or 12.7 ringgits to 100 baht. RMB exchange rates are as follows: 100 RMB equals 62.2 ringgits or 63.35 ringgits equals 100 yuan. In terms of won, RM3.45 is equivalent to 1,000 won.
Notice! Each money changer has a different rate, so we’ve compiled a list of rates from money changers in Selangor.