
The most popular companies for graduates in 2023, where graduates most want to work.


Maybank has become the most popular company among our graduates.

According to GTI Media’s annual survey, Maybank emerged as the most popular company for graduates, followed by Petronas. KPMG ranked third. RHB, EY and Bank Islam ranked fourth to sixth respectively.

It is worth noting that 6 of the 10 companies are in the financial industry, namely Maybank, RHB, Bank Islam, AmBank, Bank Negara and Alliance Bank.

Looking back at last year’s 2022 list, Petronas, EY and Maybank ranked the top three, followed by RHB, Intel, Bank Negara, Keysight Technologies, PwC, Shopee and KPMG.

The most ideal employers for 2023 graduates

1. Maybank

2. Petronas


4. RHB Banking Group

5. Ernst & Young (EY)

6. Bank Islam

7. AmBank Group

8. Schlumberger (SLB)

9. Bank Negara

10. Alliance Bank

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