Did you get the booster dose? The Ministry of Health will issue an appointment notice for more than 1 million booster doses shortly, and people are urged to pay attention to their MySejahtera.
To prevent the Omicron virus, the Ministry of Health is actively advancing the vaccination of booster doses. The relevant authorities issued more than 700,000 appointments for the booster doses next week a few days ago, and more than 1 million appointments will be issued shortly. Reservations will be sent through MySejahtera.
If you receive a booster vaccination appointment, you must go to the specific vaccination center on time for booster vaccination. If you miss an appointment, you may need to wait for the next round of appointments.
At present, most domestic vaccination centers do not accept direct walk-in vaccination. If you want to get the booster dose earlier, you can contact the nearby vaccination center and leave your name, and you will be on the waiting list. Once there is a vacancy in the vaccination center, you will be contacted for vaccination.
Want to know which vaccination centers are near to you? You can browse https://protecthealth.com.my/, select the state and region, and then you can check the nearby vaccination center.
On the other hand, the Ministry of Health has shortened the interval between the second dose of the vaccine and the booster dose, which means that whether you were vaccinated with Pfizer, AstraZeneca, or Sinovac before, you can a booster dose after one month.
The Ministry of Health will give priority to elders over 60 years of age for booster vaccination, followed by people over 50 years of age, and make appointments for booster vaccination in descending age.