The Ministry of Education is expected to announce details of school reopening this week!
The MOE is expected to release details this week about which state schools will reopen on Oct. 3 and which classes will have to return to school first, sources said.
Under the national recovery plan, areas in the first phase of recovery will not be allowed to open schools, while areas in the second phase will be allowed to return test classes to school, and areas in the third phase will be allowed to return all students to school.

The Ministry of Education will not force students to return to school, but students will need to notify schools and give reasons if they do not return to school.
In addition, the Ministry of Education requires all school support staff, including cleaners, canteen workers and security guards, to be vaccinated before they can return to work. Teachers who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to attend their classes and will need to be assigned to other jobs.