MYR has continued to rise since the beginning of 2023.
The Malaysian Ringgit has continued to rise since the beginning of the year, reaching a new 10-month high of 4.3325 against the US dollar on January 13.
According to the most recent Klang Valley money changer exchange rates, one US dollar can be exchanged for 4.31 ringgits or 4.333 ringgits for one US dollar. In Singapore currency, one Singapore dollar can be exchanged for 3.24 ringgits or 3.268 ringgits for one Singapore dollar.
If you want to exchange Thai baht, the current exchange rate is 13.22 ringgit for 100 baht. In terms of Japanese yen, RM33.88 is equivalent to 1,000 yen. The Australian dollar is 3.018 ringgits, and one ringgit equals one Australian dollar.
Furthermore, RM63.98 can be exchanged for 100 RMB, RM15.03 for NT$100, and RM3.473 for 1,000 Korean Won.
Notice! Every money changer has a different exchange rate. If you want to exchange Malaysian Ringgit for foreign currency, go to We Sell; if you want to exchange foreign currency for Malaysian Ringgit, go to We Buy.
Here’s the exchange rates from money changers in Selangor.