
The latest exchange rates for the Malaysian and foreign currencies on December 24!


Another weekday is coming to an end! Here’s an update on the stock and currency markets for you.


As of December 24, 2021, when the market closed at 5pm, the Kuala Lumpur FTSE General Index (KLCI) rose 0.03 points and closed at 1516.45 points, with 440 stocks up, 323 stocks down and 435 stocks remaining unchanged.


In the currency market, according to the latest exchange rate from a money changer in Selangor, USD1 can be exchanged for RM4.19, while SGD1 can be exchanged for RM3.05. RM37.4 can be exchanged for JPY1,000.


Then we bring you the trend of Thai Baht and NTD exchange rates. Currently, RM13 can be exchanged for 100 baht. For the New Taiwan Dollar, RM15 can be exchanged for 100 NTD.


Here you can find the latest exchange rate of RM to foreign currencies.


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