
The last three long weekend holidays in 2022


2022 last 3 long weekend holidays

Three months left in 2022, and there are still three long weekend holidays in this year—two in October and one in December.

A public holiday is combined with weekends and Sundays to create the so-called long weekend holiday, which is a three-day holiday. When a public holiday falls on a Sunday, Monday is the compensatory holiday, creating a 3-day long weekend.

Prophet Muhammad’s birthday is on October 9. The holiday will be available on October 10th because it falls on a Sunday (Monday). Johor, Kedah, Terengganu, and Kelantan are not eligible for the additional holiday on October 10 because Sunday is not a weekly holiday in these 4 states. Adding Saturday makes it a 3-day long weekend vacation.

Hindus celebrate Deepavali on October 24, which is a national holiday throughout the entire country (except Sarawak). Deepavali this year occurs on a Monday, making for a total of three days off in addition to the weekly holidays on Saturday and Sunday.

Christmas is on December 25. You can take a holiday to make up for the fact that Christmas falls on a Sunday this year on Monday, December 26. In other words, it also counts as a three-day long weekend.

Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday (October 9)
October 8 (Saturday): Weekly holiday
October 9 (Sunday): The Prophet’s Birthday
October 10 (Monday): Compensation holiday*
*Excludes Johor, Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan

October 22 (Saturday): Weekly holiday
October 23 (Sunday): Weekly holiday
24 October (Monday): Deepavali*
*Excluding Sarawak

December 24 (Saturday): Weekly holiday
December 25 (Sunday): Christmas
December 26 (Monday): Compensation holiday*
*Excludes Johor, Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan

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