
The government will start vaccinating people at high risk in October.


The government will vaccinate high-risk groups with booster shots in October, and Sarawak will become the first state in Malaysia to receive booster shots.

Minister of Health KJ announced that intensive vaccination will begin in October, and high-risk groups in Sarawak, such as people over 60 years old with severe basic diseases, will take the lead in becoming the target of intensive vaccination.

High-risk groups often have severe symptoms after being infected with COVID-19, so they need to be treated in the intensive care unit, and the mortality rate of these groups will be higher.

At present, the Ministry of Health is still drawing up clinical guidelines for strengthening vaccine, that is, it has not decided which brand of vaccine to adopt and whether to mix vaccines.

The government does not rule out that ordinary adults will be vaccinated with booster shots, but it must first complete booster shots for high-risk groups.

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