According to a post on Twitter by Health Director Tan Sri Noor Hisham, our country has a high rate of vaccination against Covid-19, and the recovered people have natural antibodies, thus our country is ready to use Herd Immunity to fight the pandemic.
Noor Hisham also mentioned in the post that our country must overcome the Omicron storm and hope that this risk will end as soon as possible, and that we will then enter the endemic stage. This also means that the government will no longer enforce the movement control order to curb the epidemic.
The country recorded 27,831 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 on February 16, the highest number of confirmed cases in a single day in the country’s history. On August 26 last year, Malaysia reached a record of 24,599 new confirmed cases in a single day. Today, this record has been surpassed by 27,831 cases today.
The epidemic in our country is getting worse and worse, but fortunately, most of the confirmed cases are mild and asymptomatic patients, with just approximately 0.5% of patients in the third to fifth stage, that is, indicating that the lungs are infected and requiring hospital admission for treatment.
Everyone must now take care of themselves by wearing masks correctly, keeping a safe physical distance from others, washing hands and disinfecting frequently, avoiding crowded places, and frequently using fast screening kits for self-testing. Those who are eligible for a booster shot should get the booster shot as soon as possible.