Recently, a baby boy was born in the United States to a 20-year-old woman, but the contraceptive device that the baby was holding attracted everyone’s attention.
Violet Quick, a young mother, married John Francis when she was 19. Violet went to set up the contraceptive device because the two didn’t have any plans to have a baby. Violet started to feel sick unexpectedly for two weeks after the IUD was implanted, nine months later. She immediately took a pregnancy test, and the results were two lines.
Violet found it hard to believe. She immediately took six tests, with the same outcome each time. She finally decided to visit the hospital for a checkup, and it was discovered that she was 7 weeks pregnant. The couple decided to get a baby after some consideration. Violet waited until the delivery day and then gave birth to a child that called Rudy.
Violet uploaded a video to TikTok soon after giving birth. She noticed that the newborn was tightly holding something. In Violet’s uterus, an IUD had been inserted, as it turned out!
Because of the special situations, all of the nurses went to the birth room to see this “dominant baby’s” behavior.