Most people complain about “not having enough time” but waste hundreds of hours every single month.
The harsh reality, however, is that we all have enough time. It’s just a matter of how exactly we use it.
And even though being effective can look different for everyone, there are a few core habits that most effective people have in common, regardless of their industry and background.
1. They put themselves in jail

In jail, you have lots of time and no distractions — the perfect conditions for high productivity. By putting yourself in a metaphorical jail, you can make the most of your time. You can get your work done effectively and give your best because you don’t need to rush yourself.
In jail, you can tackle one task after the other without stressing yourself because you know that you have enough time to do it all. You can slow down, focus, and put yourself in a flow state that allows you to be effective instead of busy.
2. They never aim for 100%

Truly effective people don’t expect to perform at 100% of their capacity all the time. Instead, they leave time for interruptions and unexpected situations because they know these will happen.
And even though you can set boundaries and limit your accessibility, there’s always going to be unexpected distractions. Being highly effective is not about micro-managing your time but about being aware of the bigger picture. You can’t stretch your mental and physical abilities without taking breaks and slowing down.
3. Being effective is not about pushing your boundaries but about finding balance.

Don’t aim to do everything all the time. Instead, focus on doing the few things that truly matter and leave a mark at your own speed.
4. They think

To take smart action, you need to plan ahead, strategize, and think. Even though that might sound obvious, most people don’t do it.
It’s no surprise that Bill Gates started going on Think Weeks back in the 1980s. These breaks helped him zoom out, let go of distractions, and think of his next strategic moves.
If you don’t allow yourself to stop and think, you’ll end up being busy and distracted, having no time for yourself or the things that truly matter.
Your ultimate goal, however, should be the contrary: Being productive instead of busy and making the most of your time.
5. They (sort of) use the 5-Second Rule

Effective people are quick movers. They simplify problems instead of overcomplicating them. Additionally, they make decisions and take action quickly.
In her book The 5 Second Rule, Mel Robbins preaches that the moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds, or your brain will stop you.
That’s why most of us fail to reach our small daily goals.
We want to build a running habit, but the moment we think of going on a run, our mind holds us back with numerous excuses: it’s too cold, it’s too hot, my back hurts, I’m hungry, I have so much to do,…
That’s why you need to set up systems and habits that don’t allow you to search for these excuses and instead push you towards action.
In the end, being effective means doing what you said you’re going to do, even if you start small.
6. They take care of themselves

The biggest misconception around being effective is that you need more time. Based on that belief, many people cut down on essentials such as sleep or exercise and stretch their physical limits.
By doing so, they ignore a toxic doom loop: Sleep deprivation leads to a decrease in productivity, they get less done, stay up longer, get even less sleep, and get even less done on the next day.
Effective people, however, do the contrary. They know that keeping their mind and body healthy is essential, so they invest in themselves, even if they have lots to do. Getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, and fueling your body with healthy foods isn’t time-consuming or costly.
It’s just a matter of discipline.