
Test negative for coronaviruses and still have a fever? That could be a case of dengue fever!


The Covid-19 epidemic continues to spread in Malaysia, with more than 10,000 new cases in a single day. Therefore, once many people develop related symptoms, such as fever, they will think about whether they are infected with Covid-19 and go for a Covid-19 test.

However, if you test negative for Covid-19 but continue to have a fever, it may be caused by another disease, such as dengue.

According to a report by China Daily, the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) chairman Dr. Koh Kar Chai reminded people that if they have tested negative for Covid-19 but continue to experience dengue symptoms such as persistent fever, diarrhea, and body aches, they are advised to go to a medical facility for dengue testing.

The danger of dengue is still there, but people prefer to ignore it these days, he said. Dengue or Covid-19 can cause serious illness in anyone regardless of age, and both viruses are more likely to cause chronic complications such as diabetes and heart disease in adults.

According to data from the authorities, there have been more than 10,000 dengue cases in Malaysia so far this year.

Common dengue symptoms include:

  • fever
  • severe headache
  • pain behind the eyeball
  • Joint pain and body muscle pain
  • nausea and vomiting
  • skin rash

Dengue fever is transmitted to humans through infected female Aedes/Aedes mosquitoes. Therefore, the way to prevent dengue fever is to ensure that the surrounding environment is clean and not allow mosquitoes to breed.

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