The astounding speeds at which a Formula 1 (F1) car can navigate any course demonstrate the superior technological capabilities of this...
READ MOREGive off the drugs and put on the weight again.
Apr 11, 2024 | Lifestyle
Newer obesity medications frequently result in significant weight reduction, but many patients are curious about what happens to them once they...
READ MOREComfort foods could actually make stress worse
Apr 8, 2024 | Lifestyle
Everyone reacts differently to stress, especially in terms of food intake. While some are unable to eat anything at all during periods of great...
READ MOREThree strategies to fight off the flu, cold or Covid-19
Apr 5, 2024 | Lifestyle
You may be stocking up on cough sweets and tissues if you are concerned about the respiratory infections currently spreading around. There is...
READ MOREThree rules to help manage your high blood pressure
Apr 1, 2024 | Lifestyle
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a silent global epidemic affecting over 1.3 billion people worldwide, with nearly half...
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