Students who have not been vaccinated may not be able to return to school in the 2022 school year!
Vice Minister of Health Datuk Noor Azmi pointed out that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health may prohibit unvaccinated secondary school students from returning to school in the 2022 school year. This is the same situation that teachers who are not vaccinated are not allowed to attend classes in classrooms.

And the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health are discussing how to deal with cases of refusing to vaccinate or parents refusing to vaccinate their children. Once students refuse to vaccinate, how should the school handle these students? At present, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health have not yet decided.
Every state in the country has gradually launched vaccination campaign for teenagers. As long as the adult population of the state reaches 80% of the vaccination rate, the state can start vaccinating teenagers aged between 12 and 17. It is predicted by the government that 60% of teenagers will be vaccinated in November this year, and the vaccination rate of teenagers will reach 80% before school starts next year.

It is possible that the government will ban unvaccinated secondary school students from entering classrooms next year. Do you think this policy is feasible?