
Strange man spies on mother and daughter outside window, leaves creepy note.


A strange man spies on mother and daughter outside the window and leaves a creepy note.

A mother in New Zealand was taking care of her kids and cleaning up at home, when she suddenly received a phone call, she was informed that a creepy man was standing outside the window to monitor their moves, after hearing that, she immediately grabbed a knife and locked the door. However, the man not only continued to harass her but also left a creepy note on the window.

The pervert had fled when the police arrived at the scene after the incident and an investigation has been launched by the police.

Jassena Gideon is a mother of two. She posted a warning on social media that a perverted man had snuck around her house on the night of the 14th and was spying on her every move through the window.

Gideon recalled the call when her neighbor told her, “I don’t want to scare you, but lock your door right now, my tenant next door saw a man and he is watching you from your kitchen window.” Upon hearing this, she immediately did as she was told, quickly grabbing a knife and locking the door while huddling in the living room with her children in her arms to report the incident to the police.

Unexpectedly, the man, who was caught on camera wearing red short sleeves, continued to peep outside and even left a creepy note on her window that read, “Hey cutie, what’s your phone number?”

When police arrived, the man hid in the bushes before managing to run off down the road.

Gideon said afterwards that she was afraid to even open the window, but now has family members taking turns to stay with her in case he returns again. Her daughter is currently staying at a relative’s house as the incident has traumatized her. In addition, she has borrowed her grandfather’s dog to house sit.

Gideon mentioned that it’s a good thing that the incident was caught on camera because if I had tried to tell people about it without this footage, no one probably would have believed her, it’s just as horrible as it plays out in the movies.

She urged everyone, especially those who lack protection, to buy cameras with motion detection features and keep their windows closed because she doesn’t want to see anyone go through the same thing.

Police said the case has been reported and investigations are underway to try and identify the man in the hope that he can be arrested quickly.

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