
Statistics Bureau data: the average monthly salary of Malaysian wage earners is RM3,037


The average monthly salary of Malaysian working people is RM3,037, while the median monthly salary is RM2,250.


Statistics Malaysia released the report on the monthly salary of Malaysian wage earners in 2021, the monthly salary of Malaysian wage earners in 2021 increased compared to 2020, however, if it is lower than the level before the epidemic in 2019.


According to the information released by the Department of Statistics, the average monthly salary of Malaysian workers is RM3,037 in 2021, RM2,933 in 2020 and RM3,224 in 2019, while the median monthly salary is RM2,250 in 2021, RM2,062 in 2020 and RM2,442 in 2019.


In terms of age group, the average income of young people aged 15 to 24 is RM1,659 and the median income is RM1,468. Young people aged 25 to 34 earn an average monthly salary of RM2,664 and the median monthly salary is RM2,001. Working people aged 35 to 44 earn an average monthly salary of RM3,637 and the median monthly salary is RM3,077.


The average monthly salary for men is RM3,085 while the average monthly salary for women is RM2,968. The difference between the average monthly salary of men and women is not significant.


The average monthly salary of urban workers in Malaysia is RM3,188 and the median monthly salary is RM2,438, while the average monthly salary of rural workers is RM2,166 and the median monthly salary is RM1,520.


The average monthly salary of the Kuala Lumpur working class is RM4,013 and the median monthly salary is RM3,054. The average monthly salary of the Selangor working class is RM3,543 and the median monthly salary is RM2,884. The average monthly salary of the Johor working class is RM2,853 and the median monthly salary is RM2,184, 353.

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