
StashAway Simple will lower its expected return rate from the existing 3.80% to 3.60% p.a.


Notice! StashAway Simple will lower its expected return rate from the existing 3.80% to 3.60% p.a.

According to news from StashAway Simple, the projected rate of return (Projected Rate of Return) will be reduced starting from February 1, 2024. The projected rate of return from February 1 will be 3.60% p.a.

StashAway Simple will join a new fund to provide more competitive returns. Currently, StashAway Simple has only one fund, the Eastspring Investments Islamic Income Fund, and will later add the Principal Islamic Money Market Fund.

In addition, StashAway Simple will charge a management fee of 0.15% p.a., but the 3.60% p.a. received by depositors has already deducted this 0.15% management fee.

StashAway Simple was launched in 2020, and the annual interest rate at that time was 2.40%p.a., but it was increased to 4.10%p.a. in early 2023, and then lowered to 3.80%p.a.

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