SSPN recorded a total of RM3.01 billion in deposits last year, which is a 50.95% increase from the deposits in 2020.
According to the news issued by the National Higher Education Fund Board (PTPTN), the National Education Savings Plan (SSPN) received RM3.01 billion in deposits in 2021, which is 167.08% more than the previously scheduled target of RM1.8 billion.
The deposits received by the SSPN in 2021 are the highest in the past 3 years, compared to RM1.99 billion in 2020, RM1.37 billion in 2019 and RM1.14 billion in 2018.
As of December 31, 2021, SSPN has accumulated RM10.88 billion in deposits and the RM3.01 billion received last year represents 27.63% of the deposits received by SSPN since its launch in 2004.
SSPN has added 421,281,281 new accounts in 2021, after originally booking only 400,000 new accounts. As of December 31, 2021, SSPN had 5.24 million total deposits.
SSPN will announce its latest dividend payout rate in the near future, which has been at least 4% in previous years.