The Singapore Food Authority has ordered a recall of Malaysian farm eggs due to salmonella contamination.
Salmonella was found in eggs from a Malaysian farm, prompting the Singapore Food Authority to issue a recall.
The Singapore Food Authority found that eggs from Teo Seng Layer Farm 1 in Malaysia contained Salmonella Enteritidis, according to Singapore’s United Daily News. The contaminated eggs have been recalled by the Singapore Food Authority due to safety concerns.
It is believed that the words CEJ027 are printed on the impacted eggs. The relevant farms will only resume importing eggs into Singapore once the issue with salmonella in the eggs has been rectified.
Salmonella-contaminated eggs can result in stomach pains, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, and other symptoms. The symptoms are worse in the elderly and young children. Cooking food at a high temperature will kill salmonella.
Anyone feeling under the weather after eating eggs should contact a doctor as soon as possible.