The price of RON97 petrol is RM4.00 per liter!
According to the announcement made by the Ministry of Finance of Malaysia, the retail price of RON97 will be increased by 25 sen per liter, that is, from RM3.75 to RM4.00. This will be the highest price of RON97 ever.
But more fortunately, RON95 gasoline and diesel are unified products, the government has set the top retail price of RON95 and diesel. Therefore, the price per liter of RON95 petrol and diesel will remain at RM2.05 and RM2.15.
The government will announce the fuel prices every Wednesday and they will be effective from midnight on Thursday. The latest fuel prices are effective from March 17 to March 23, 2022.
Finance Minister Tunku Zafrou said in a question in Parliament recently that the government will review the gasoline subsidy mechanism and implement targeted subsidies to benefit the truly needy and vulnerable groups. Zafrou pointed out that if the international crude oil price stays above $100 per barrel, the government is expected to subsidize RM28 billion in gasoline subsidies.