
RM2 is still money, nothing to be ashamed of.


A woman in Malaysia republished a Facebook post about red packet money, which has generated a lot of buzz among netizens and has been retweeted more than 9,000 times.

The post was actually published in the New Year 2022, but it was not expected to become popular again a few days ago. The post said this.

“Many moms with financial difficulties in the fear of wrapping angpao, RM2 look bad? I actually don’t think so.

Has anyone ever said that there is a minimum set limit for angpao? People say an angpao, a blessing, a thought, someone gives you $2, maybe the other person only has $5 left in their wallet.”

“If a rich person gives you RM10, you think it’s a lot, but he has a lot of money, RM10 is nothing to him, it can’t be compared, live within your means.

Remember, angpao is a blessing, a heart, a legacy, we as mothers should also teach our children well.”

Handing out red angpao is a culture for the Lunar New Year, meant to bring good wishes and good luck to elders and juniors. However, modern people seem to pay more and more attention to the amount of the angpao, feeling that the package will be very little money will be shabby and bad, but many people with financial difficulties, they are not so able to package so much money.

How much money is actually not important, sincere blessings are not limited to the amount of angpao, as long as the heart has to, that is enough.

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