
Remember to get your booster shots before March or MSJ will show incomplete vaccinations!


Remember to get your booster vaccination by March this year, otherwise MySejahtera will show incomplete vaccination status.


According to the Ministry of Health, people over the age of 60 must have their booster vaccination by March 2022, otherwise they will be considered incomplete and will face restrictions when traveling. Regardless of the vaccine you receive, you must receive the booster shot by March.


For those who have received the Sinovac vaccine at age 18 or older, you will also need to complete your booster by March 2022 or you will also be considered incomplete. You will also face restrictions when traveling.


Whether you received your first two doses of Pfizer, AstraZeneca or Sinovac vaccine, you can receive your booster after 3 months of your second dose of vaccine. The government encourages people to get a Pfizer booster, but if you still don’t want to mix your vaccinations, you can get a Sinovac booster.

The government encourages people to get a booster to boost their immunity so that they can protect not only themselves but also their friends and family.

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