
Rapid KL: This is the second time someone has defecated on a bus!


When we see litter on public transport, our first reaction is often to think that it is the cleaners’ problem, but very often we are also responsible. As civilized citizens, we actually have an obligation to keep our personal and surroundings hygienic, including public transportation such as buses, taxis or subways.


A few days ago, a post appeared on the Internet, in which a disgusting thing appeared, that is, someone actually “defecated” on the bus!


A few days ago, Rapid KL posted a post on its official Facebook page asking passengers to cooperate in maintaining hygiene, and also uploaded a photo in the post. The photo shows the brown smear on the floor of the bus and on the corners of the seats.


“Dear passengers, for the sake of each other’s comfort, we kindly ask for your cooperation in maintaining your personal hygiene and surroundings while riding the bus or train.”


At first, netizens didn’t think the brown object was actually poop and speculated that it might be some food accidentally dumped on the bus. But Rapid KL replied at the bottom of the post to clarify that the brown objects were indeed human feces and not some food. And what’s even more hateful is that this is actually the second time this has happened. Fortunately, this time the feces did not get on the seats, otherwise it would be more difficult to clean up.


The post quickly attracted the attention of netizens and has received 3.1 thousand likes and 1.5 thousand comments by the deadline. Many netizens, after seeing the post, expressed their disgust at what happened. Some of them speculated that it could be caused by a child with a tummy ache and that the parents were not present or did not have anything to clean up the feces left behind.


But others thought it could be the work of a foreign worker or a mentally ill person. Some of them also suggested Rapid KL to install CCTVs on the bus so that if something like this happens again, the culprit can be found through CCTVs.


Rapid KL did not disclose the location and time of the incident, nor did it provide any further updates. But regardless of what actually happened or who was the culprit, this incident serves as a reminder to all of us to always keep ourselves and our surroundings clean so as not to cause any inconvenience to others.

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