In June of last year, this happened. Matsumoto Junji, then sixty, was in the room watching anime when his father called and asked if he might use the bathroom. After being disturbed twice while Matsumoto Junji was watching anime, Junji snapped and strangled his father with the cord from the electric kettle, then killed his mother and stored their remains in the fridge. The method is harsh. The judge handed down his 30-year prison term on the sixth of this month.

Junji probably got in trouble with his parents when he dropped out of school without their permission when he was young. After that, he got a job but quit after only six months. After that, he helped out at the family liquor store. Still, he has slowly shut himself off from the rest of the world and has been bothering the older man for 35 years. Junji’s parents usually gave him spending money, and he would only go shopping with his mother.

Junji has been out of touch with society for a long time, so his mother is the only person he talks to. He doesn’t have any friends, and he rarely speaks to his dad. He stays in his room every day to watch anime, TV, or DVDs. Matsumoto Junji said in court that he lost control because he was too quick to act. This was why he attacked. Even if he killed his parents and had no money, it didn’t matter.