
Primary school students will be tested for covid-19 every Wednesday!


Primary school students will be tested for covid-19 every Wednesday!

According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Education will require primary schools to conduct covid-19 tests for students every Wednesday. The school needs to conduct a covid-19 test for 10% of primary school students every week, and the number of students tested will be carried out in a rotating manner.

Primary school students will use the rapid screening RTK-Ag method for the covid-19 test, and the cost will be borne by the Ministry of Education. The Ministry of Education has distributed self-test kits to primary schools.

It is worth noting that if the child has symptoms at home, the cost of the test will be borne by the parent. If a child develops symptoms on campus, the cost of the test will be borne by the school.

Any student who tests positive will need to go to the COVID-19 Assessment Centre (CAC) for symptom evaluation, while students who test negative will need to be self-supervised.

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