Pizza Hut, one of Malaysia’s largest fast food chains, has launched a super value set menu again! Are you worried about what to eat every day? If you live in a fast-paced, competitive big city, even the cheapest economic rice will cost you RM10! Fortunately, Pizza Hut has once again launched a super-discounted 1+1 Combo at the right time! As a result, you can buy a variety of Pizza Hut delicacies from only RM8, and you can freely mix and match your favourite Pizza Hut delicacies according to the meals in the 1+1 package!

【1+1 Combo Deals】Give you a variety of preferential package options!
- Pizza + Drinks – RM8
- Sausage Bites + Drinks – RM8
- Cheesy Pop + Cheddar Breadstix – RM8.99
- Spaghetti +Mushroom Soup – RM9.98

Anytime, anywhere, you can order as long as you want!
Are you still curious at this moment? Is there a time limit for 1+1 Combo? The answer is no! You can buy 1+1 Combo during any business hours throughout the day! Anytime, anywhere, you can order as long as you want!

- Pizza Hut Delicacies

What are you waiting for? Go to Pizza Hut today to enjoy this great deal! This promotion can be found at any of the Pizza Hut fast food chain outlets nationwide and on the Official Website.