The well-known game company Blizzard Entertainment announced that “Overwatch 2” will begin the Closed-Beta on April 26, 2022, and is open to the public to sign up!
The beta test will give players a taste of Overwatch 2’s 5v5 PVP mode, new cart mode, Ping system, and four of the reworked heroes plus a new one! Heroes known to be reworked include Orisa, DoomFist, Bastion, and Reaper, while the new hero is Sojourn. Judging by the name, Sojourn will probably be related to Torbjörn! At the same time, four new maps will be added to the game.

It is known that “Overwatch 2” is also currently planning to add PvE elements to the game and launch it separately from the traditional multiplayer part. The PvE part is believed to be for the sake of giving players a better understanding of the game background, so it takes more time to polish. Blizzard Entertainment said earlier that the two games “Overwatch 2” and “Diablo 4” are not expected to be released until 2023!