
Our country can no longer afford the impact of a full-scale embargo.


According to a message from International Trade and Industry and Minister of International Trade and Industry, although our country’s new cases of covid have soared to 10,000 new cases per day, our country can no longer afford the impact of a full-scale embargo and therefore will not embargo the economy any longer.

The country has seen more than 10,000 new cases for 2 consecutive days. As of 12:00 noon on February 7, there were 11,034 new confirmed cases in the country, 58 of which were in Stages 3-5 and the rest were asymptomatic or mild. 10,089 new cases were confirmed on February 6, 77 of which were in Stages 3-5 and the rest were asymptomatic or mild.

Our country has implemented multiple movement control orders in 2020 and 2021, which have severely impacted economic activity and people’s income. Government and the people can no longer afford the impact of the economic embargo, so the government is not expected to implement the embargo anymore.

In any case, people should try to minimize going out and going to crowded places, and always wear masks, wash hands and keep physical distance from others in crowded places.

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