
NEUTROVIS launch new product [light blue&deep blue] Korea KF94 4-Ply Face Mask! Stronger Protection Ability!


Neutrovis launch new product,  [Light Blue and deep Blue] KF94 4-Ply face mask! More tight-fitting, more protective!

As the epidemic in our country is getting worst, Neutrovis launch a more protective 4-ply face mask —— Korea Premium Respirator!

 Besides pink and black colour, Neutrovis launch two new colours, which are light blue (Pool Blue KF94) and deep blue (Oxford Blue KF94).

Neutrovis KF94 face mask is designed with tight-fitting, give more powerful protection, and is also more comfortable to wear.

 The light blue and deep blue KF94 four-layer masks are now on sale at Neutrovis Lazada online store and can be purchased by clicking the link below.


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