
Needle-hole camera hidden in the H&M dressing room!


According to Twitter, a Malaysian woman revealed on Twitter that pinhole cameras had been installed in the fitting rooms of a clothing store in a shopping mall in Kuala Lumpur, that several women had been secretly filmed changing their clothes, and that unscrupulous people were selling these clandestine videos online!

According to the post sent by this “whistleblower” Nishae, these videos are secretly taken in the fitting room, the seller wrote “PM to buy”, so Nishae was shocked: “Next time to buy clothes I don’t dare to try on clothes next time, it’s really scary, girls out there should be careful.”

Nishae created a viral after uploading the screenshots to Twitter, and she was also contacted by people who came and showed their receipts and the same clothes they were wearing in the film to prove they were one of the victims.

Victim #1 said the snapping is believed to have happened on Oct. 6, 2022, when she was trying on clothes in one of the dressing rooms on the far left.

In addition, there is another victim’s friend information Nishae, hoping that she can give more information to assist in the next step.

Nishae also deleted the post as some netizens criticized Nishae’s screenshots for causing secondary damage to the victim, but she continued to update Twitter on the status of the incident.

Nishae also advised the victim to go to the police and urged other victims to contact her or report the incident to the relevant authorities.

In response, the clothing store’s customer service said that the safety of its customers is of utmost importance to the company and that they have reported the incident to the police, who are investigating the incident.

The police have received a report and are actively investigating the case under Section 509 of the Criminal Code (insulting another person).

Police are urging anyone with information to contact the investigating officer, Sergeant Muhammad Fikri (013-4149917), or the Kuala Lumpur Police Headquarters hotline (03-21159999), or to visit a nearby police station to provide information.

This incident will really cast a big shadow on the victim! Apart from the fitting rooms, people should also be careful when going to other hotels and B&Bs, check if there is anything strange around, especially if there are hidden pinhole cameras in the toilets, safety is paramount.

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