MySejahtera has officially launched the new MySJ tracking feature, which shows numbers that have surprised and confused some users who thought there were many confirmed patients around!
In fact, the number displayed in “Today’s Interactions” is not the number of confirmed patients around you, but the number of people you contacted/interacted with today (both parties must have MySJ Trace Bluetooth enabled).

If the number displayed is 4, this means that you interacted with 4 people today and if one of the 4 people you contacted is diagnosed within the next 14 days, the Ministry of Health will track the close contacts through the MySJ Trace database.
Once you open MySejahtera application, it will automatically update and a new MySJ Trace section will be added to the interface.

Just click on MySJ Trace and select “Start”, then click “I agree” if you agree to the app for contact tracking and finally click “Allow” if you allow the app to enable GPS, Bluetooth and notifications to officially launch the feature.