
MySejahtera is malfunctioning again! It issued false quarantine order to the user?!!


MySejahtera has a lot of problems, and today it issued a wrong home quarantine order to users!

MySejahtera posted on Twitter and pointed out that MySejahtera malfunctioned and issued wrong home quarantine orders to users. The relevant authorities have fixed the root cause of the error and deleted all incorrect quarantine orders.

Many netizens complained that they had received the Home Surveillance Order (HSO) from MySejahtera for no reason or that they needed to be Person Under Surveillance (PUS) status, which caused them to be forced to cancel today’s trip.

It appears that the problem started early this morning where random users found their ‘Low Risk, No Symptoms’ status change to ‘Home Surveillance Order’ or ‘Person Under Surveillance’ (PUS).

Although MySejahtera claims that they repaired the malfunction, there are still many users complaining that their status has not been updated. If you are facing this problem too, you can try to restart MySejahtera APP.

If you still encounter this situation, you can ask for help through MySejahtera’s Helpdesk. After entering Helpdesk, select K, Saya ingin bertanya mengenai kategori risiko / penilaian kesihatan. Then select A, Saya ingin membuat penilaian semula., then click A, Penilian kesihatan saya, then select B, untuk membuat semula penilaian, and then enter the problem you encountered, such as Status saya jadi HOS / PUS tanpa alasan.

Good luck and stay safe everyone!!!

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