Users who have updated MySejahtera to the latest version will definitely find that their MySejahtera has a blue tick and the word Verified is marked. It’s unclear what MySejahtera’s blue tick is used for.
Generally, the blue tick is used on social media. For example, after a celebrity is authenticated, a blue tick will appear after the name. Blue tick is also a function of verifying the “real body”. The latest version of MySejahtera also has a blue tick mark.
After you update MySejahtera to the latest version, you will find that Verified and blue tick marks will appear in the name column of the Check in page. Although MySejahtera has not officially announced the purpose of blue tick, it is believed to be related to identity verification, that is, users who have been verified by the system will have Verified and blue tick marks.
MySejahtera users who have been authenticated by the system will no longer be able to change their name or ID number. The user name and ID columns on the Profile page will also turn gray, and the page will indicate that the identity has been verified and the information cannot be modified.
As for those users who have not yet been authenticated, the word Verify Now will appear in red, and users can go to verify their identity to get a blue tick.