Here’s the list of promotional ticket vacancies of MYAirline.
Malaysia’s brand-new MYAirline launched ticket sales on November 26, and the most popular dates have already sold out. MYAirline has compiled a list of available promotional tickets; you can use this information before purchasing tickets.
MYAirline operates three routes: Kuala Lumpur-Langkawi, Kuala Lumpur-Sabah Kota Kinabalu, and Kuala Lumpur-Sarawak Kuching.
According to MYAirline, there are still seats available on flights between Kuala Lumpur and Langkawi from December 1st to 9th and January 4th to 18th. Only 5-7 December and 9-18 January are available for flights from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Kinabalu. Seats are available from Kuala Lumpur to Kuching from December 2 to 8 and January 4 to 19.
Because MYAirline is a low-cost carrier, passengers are only permitted to bring a maximum of 7 kg of luggage on board. MYAirline does not provide free checked luggage; passengers must purchase checked luggage on their own. Checked luggage on MYAirline will be charged based on weight, with options of 15KG, 20KG, 25KG, 30KG, and 40KG.
The fees for checked luggage vary depending on whether you buy it online or at the airport, and the fees for checked luggage in West Malaysia and East Malaysia are also different. One piece of checked luggage cannot weigh more than 32KG. If it weighs more than 32kg, it must be divided into two pieces of checked luggage.
Those interested in purchasing MYAirline tickets should browse