
Ministry of Health recommends that wear Two masks plus Face shield!


Ministry of Health recommends wearing a double mask plus a face shield!

According to a post on the Ministry’s Facebook page, people are being urged to improve their protection by wearing face masks and face shield. The public has access to masks that can be produced and distributed quickly and affordably. People should consider masks as part of their strategy against the pandemic.

Ministry of Health recommends wearing a three-layer mask, plus a cloth mask, plus a face shield to reduce the risk of infection. The advantage of wearing a face shield is that it prevents froth.

Some people choose to wear 2 three-layer masks, which is not recommended by the Ministry of Health because 2 three-layer masks may cause breathing difficulties, so the best combination is a three-layer mask and a cloth mask.

Some poor quality face shield may affect the line of sight, such as causing flash, reflective, so when buying a mask can choose to suit their own mask. Here we introduce the same type of Noor Hisham mask, this mask is not only transparent but also very comfortable to wear.


Lazada: https://invol.co/cl5pgbb

Shopee: https://invol.co/cl5pgc4

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