
Ministry of Education to reorganize elementary school schedules to include only three to four subjects per day!


The Ministry of Education will reorganize elementary school schedules to include only three to four subjects a day.


To address the problem of overweight school bags, the Ministry of Education (KPM) will reorganize the school schedule so that students will attend only three to four subjects a day, so that they do not need to carry too many books to school.


The Ministry of Education will also set up lockers in schools so that students can leave their books in the classroom to reduce the problem of carrying books to and from class. The locker program will be divided into 2 phases, with the first phase involving 323,186 students in grades 1 to 3.


The second phase will be implemented next year and will involve students in grades 4 to 6.


According to a survey by the Ministry of Education, 28 percent of the weight of students’ school bags comes from books and homework, while 72 percent comes from food, water bottles, clothes and stationery. The weight of some school bags comes from the plastic and iron on the bags.


In addition, the Ministry of Education will also limit the number of workbooks to no more than 2 per subject and no more than 80 pages per workbook.

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