
Method for completing a personal income tax return in 2022


Method for completing a personal income tax return in 2022

It is our civic responsibility to file taxes. A tax return is needed under the Malaysian Income Tax Act 1967 if a person lives in Malaysia for more than 182 days (half a year) and has a job or income. Tax filing is the responsibility of every Malaysian, however you only have to pay taxes if your income exceeds a particular threshold.

Employees must file their tax returns by April 30 each year, whereas self-employed people must file by June 30 each year. Form E must be submitted by March 31; Form BE must be submitted by April 30; and Forms B and P must be submitted by June 30.

After filing the tax return, everyone should remember to maintain the relevant information documents or tax deduction evidence (for at least 7 years) so that the tax bureau can offer evidence in the event of an inquiry.

In truth, filing a tax return for the first time is simple if you receive a Pin from your nearest Inland Revenue Department (LHDNM) counter or branch and then file your tax return online.

Login steps:

Step 1: After entering the ezHASiL webpage (https://ez.hasil.gov.my/), please click on ‘Login Kali Pertama’.

Step 2: Enter your PIN number and ID number, then click ‘Hantar’.

Step 3: You need to fill in your personal information, after filling in, click on ‘Setuju’.

Step 4: Click on ‘Hantar’ when finished.

Step 5: If you receive the following message, you have successfully registered. Then click on the word ‘sini’ to log in and start your tax return.

Tax filing steps:

Step 1: Go to the webpage https://ez.hasil.gov.my/.

Step 2: Enter your ID number and password, then click ‘Hantar’.

Step 3: After the ezHASiL system is successfully logged in, you need to click e-Borang in the e-Filing option.

Step 4: After entering e-Borang, users can click on the tax type and year.

Step 5: The tax return form needs to fill in 4 items. First of all, on the Maklumat Individu page you need to fill in the following information carefully.

Step 6: You can fill in this item according to the EA Form given by the company.

Step 7: The following are the mentioned personal income tax deduction items.

Step 8: Come to the last item: Rumusan. If you feel that you have filled in after checking, you can go back and modify it. If there is no problem, you can send the declaration

directly by pressing ‘Teruskan’.

Step 9: There are 3 options on this page:

a. Get PDF file and print (Cetak Draf Borang)

b. Sign & Send (Tandatangan & Hantar)

c. Go back to the original page (Kembali)

Click ‘Tandatangan & Hantar’ to submit your e-Borang.

Step 10: If you choose b, you need to fill in the ID number and password (the upper and lower case must be the same as previously filled in)

Step 11: There have 3 options:

a. Save and Print (Simpan & Cetak Pengesahan)

b. Save in e-BE format and Print (Simpan & Cetak e-BE)

c. Exit (Keluar)

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