
MCO 2.0: Full SOP For CNY 2021


According to the press conference at 5pm on February 4th, Defense Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri announced the official standard operating procedures for this coming Chinese New Year. 


Here’s the full list of SOPs for CNY 2021 during the MCO2.0:

1. Celebration and reunion dinner is allowed within family members from the same house ONLY

2. No big gatherings or dinners 

3. No home visitations to friends and relatives house

4. No lion dance or dragon dance performances

5. Prayers at the temples are not allowed (except for 5 of the temple’s commitee members)

6. Inter-district and inter-state travel during CNY will NOT be allowed


During this epidemic, everyone should minimize going out and avoid crowded places. If you are forced to go out, please wear a mask and keep a 1 meter social distance from the other, and perform frequent disinfection. 


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