Maybank has enabled remittance notification, when someone sends money to you, you will receive a notification!
According to the information provided by Maybank users, Maybank has enabled the remittance notification feature and the Maybank App will send a pop-up notification when a remittance is received. Those who do not have the Maybank App can also receive notifications via SMS.
Maybank has enabled the remittance notification feature, which allows users to be more aware of their bank account status. You will also be the first to know if you receive an unknown money transfer.
Another advantage of the remittance notification feature is that users can know instantly that the other party has sent money, so they don’t have to keep logging into their accounts to check if they have sent money.
According to Maybank’s recent announcement, users will be notified immediately through the Maybank2u MY APP or MAE when a transaction is made with their bank card, even if it is unsuccessful, so they will know immediately that their card transaction has been declined.
This measure applies to Maybank Debit Card, Charge Card or Credit Card, and users will be notified via Maybank2u MY APP or MAE of failed transactions caused by overdue cards, incorrectly entered CVV numbers or insufficient balances.