Maxis has adjusted the 5G data for Postpaid Plans to allow more data per month.
According to Maxis, Maxis Postpaid 79, Maxis Postpaid 109, Maxis Postpaid 139, Maxis Postpaid 169 and Maxis Postpaid 199 can enjoy more data per month. The new policy starts from December 14, 2023 onwards.
Maxis Postpaid 79 will have 80GB+80GB of internet data instead of 80GB+40GB, Maxis Postpaid 109 will have 100GB+200GB of internet data instead of 100GB+50GB.
The Maxis Postpaid 139 will go from 120GB+60GB to 120GB+360GB, the Maxis Postpaid 169 will go from 150GB+75GB to 150GB+600GB, and the Maxis Postpaid 199 will go from 200GB+100GB to 200GB+1000GB. 1000GB.
Existing subscribers will be automatically updated between December 14 and 20, 2023, and users will receive an SMS notification to that effect. New subscribers will be entitled to more internet data immediately upon signing up.
Each internet package comes with 2 internet data, 1 internet data that can be used on 4G and 5G networks and 1 internet data that can only be used on 5G networks. The latest update to the packages is to allow users to enjoy more data on 5G networks only.