
Malaysians must know – there is a difference between ‘Dos Tambahan/Third Dose’ and ‘Dos Penggalak/Booster Dose’! The dosing schedule is also different!


So what is the difference between these ‘Dos Tambahan/Third Dose’ and ‘Dos Penggalak/Booster Dose’ ? Let’s find out more about them.

# The Third Dose (Dos Tambahan)

The third shot is given to people whose immune system has produced insufficient or weaker antibodies after two vaccinations, so that the immune system can automatically produce stronger antibodies! For example, people who have cancer, kidney disease or are on dialysis for a long time will have a weaker immune system. In addition, the third dose should be given 28 days after completing the vaccination and should only be given under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

#Booster dose (Dos Penggalak)

A booster is given to eligible individuals after two doses of vaccination, as the body’s immune antibodies begin to decline 3-6 months after two doses of vaccination, so a booster is needed to boost the body’s immunity and protection against covid. Currently, boosters are mainly given using the Pfizer brand of vaccine and administered at two different times:

– People who receive the Sinovac vaccine must have completed at least 3 months of vaccination to be eligible for the booster.
– For the Pfizer vaccine, the booster must be administered more than 6 months after completion of the vaccination.

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