The Federal Reserve raised interest rates by 0.25% on February 1, the US dollar started to strengthen and the Malaysian dollar started to weaken.
According to the latest exchange rate from money changers in Selangor, USD1 can be exchanged for RM4.242 or RM4.258 can be exchanged for USD1. For SGD, 1 SGD can be exchanged for RM3.215 or RM3.245 can be exchanged for 1 SGD.
If you are planning to exchange Thai baht, RM13.03 is currently convertible to 100 baht. For the Japanese Yen, RM33.38 can be exchanged for 1,000 Yen. For the Australian dollar, RM3.016 is equivalent to 1 Australian dollar.
In addition, RM62.65 can be exchanged for 100 RMB, RM14.59 for 100 NTD and RM3.425 for 1000 KRW.
Note! The exchange rates offered by each money changer will vary. If you are looking to convert from RM to foreign currency, then you need to look at We Sell, and vice versa for We Buy from foreign currency to RM.
Here you will find the exchange rates from the money changers in Seremban.