
Latest exchange rates on 2 September!


KLCI fell 0.77 points and ended the day at 1491.18 points as at the 5pm market close on 2 September 2022, with 315 stocks advancing, 475 declining and 421 others remaining unchanged.

In currency market, ringgit has fallen to 4.48 to the US dollar, according to the latest exchange rate from money changers in Selangor, RM3.185 to S$1.

For Thai Baht, the exchange rate is RM12.32 for 100 Baht or RM12.47 for 100 Baht. For the China Yuan, the exchange rate is RM63.82 for 100 yuan or RM64.58 for 100 yuan.

Here you will find the latest exchange rates for the Malaysian Ringgit against foreign currencies.

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