
Introversion or ‘social phobia’? Don’t let it become a stumbling block on your way to success!


Characteristics of social phobia

  1. Feeling pressured to get along with people
  2. Feeling uneasy in crowded places, shaking and sweating when interacting with people
  3. You often have trouble picking up conversations with people, or you can’t continue to talk about anything.
  4. Want to express yourself but are unable to do so in front of people
  5. Don’t want others to care about you and want to keep your presence to a minimised
  6. Fearful of meeting people on the road and choose to go around when they meet them

Characteristics of an introvert

  1. Prefers to do their own thing quietly and without showing too much
  2. Not very talkative, but can communicate well and even laugh in social situations
  3. Do not like to initiate friendships and feel tired at gatherings of many people
  4. Prefers to stay home alone on weekends rather than going out with friends

The most apparent difference between the two is that most social phobics are eager to socialise but lack social skills. On the other hand, introverts are not very talkative but are not afraid to meet people and have some social skills. Introverts choose to spend their free time at home reading books and watching TV shows because this is the right way to recharge their batteries. In contrast, ‘social phobics’ choose to avoid all social activities to escape their uncomfortable and fearful state.

Introversion is an innate personality trait, but social phobia is undesirable and needs to be adjusted. If you want to improve your social phobia, you should think about why you avoid social contact.

  1. Fear of confrontation with people and expressing your ideas
  2. Lack of sense of security and the need to look to others for security
  3. Thinking that you don’t fit in and can’t participate in group life.
  4. Low self-esteem and thinking that you lack the ability

All four of the above are factors that are likely to contribute to social fear/anxiety. Of course, there are more subconscious reasons for social avoidance than the above, and each person is unique.

Don’t worry if you find that you have a mild social phobia! “Social phobia is not something you are born with, and with the right approach, you have the power to change yourself! Don’t let it be a stumbling block to your success. Try to make changes slowly over the next few days and go for it!

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