
In 1998 episode, ‘The Simpsons’ foretold Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.


In 1998 episode, ‘The Simpsons’ foretold Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The Simpsons foresaw the war long before Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24.

Twitter users have gone to the social media platform to note that this was brought up in a 1998 episode.

According to the New York Post, in the episode Simpson Tide, Homer accidentally fires a submarine commander into Russian waters during a military exercise, forcing a resurrected Soviet Union to deploy troops and tanks to the streets and resurrect the Berlin Wall.

The show’s executive producer Al Jean confirmed the worrisome comparisons, tweeting, “Very sad to say this was not hard to predict.”

The animation, which first shown on December 17, 1989, is frequently credited for accurately predicting Superbowl results.

Matt Groening’s renowned animated series has been charged for foreseeing Donald Trump’s election and even the coronavirus epidemic.

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