In recent years, groundnut balls have become one of many people’s favourite snacks.
This new “Two-coloured Groundnut QQ Ball” from IKEA is a real eye-catcher at first glance, with a screen full of purple and yellow groundnut balls that will whet your appetite! This new product comes in two flavours: yellow sweet potato and purple sweet potato, but when you bite into the yellow ball, you will find that the inside of the ball is purple, and when you bite into the purple ball, it is yellow again.
According to those who have tried them, these two-coloured groundnut QQ balls from IKEA have a slight crunch when you bite into them while they are still warm.
However, the two-coloured groundnut QQ balls from IKEA are currently only available in Taiwan for NT$35 (about RM5.20), so hopefully IKEA in Malaysia will launch them soon so we can try them too.