
How to renew SSM business license online?


Do you have a business registration or company registration that is about to expire? You can renew your SSM business license directly through online.

The government requires all people who online sale or do business online to register for SSM, the so-called SSM is the Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia, a statutory body that has the power to regulate and supervise companies and business affairs in Malaysia and is responsible for handling company registration matters.

The fee for registering a business in a personal name is RM30 per year, for registering a business in a commercial name is RM60 per year and RM5 per year for each branch registered.

Here’s how to renew your SSM business license online.

How to renew SSM business license online?

Step 1: Visit https://ezbiz.ssm.com.my/ .

Step 2: Enter your ID number, password and Captcha.

Step 3: Click Renewal by Owners in My Business Services.

Step 4: The system will display the company or business registration information registered under your name, click Action.

Step 5: Confirm the company or business registration information, select the number of years you want to renew and view prices.

Step 6: Click Agree to Terms and Conditions, then select Proceed to Payment.

Step 7: Confirm the fees to be paid and click Pay Online, you can choose to pay by bank card or FPX bank transfer.

Step 8: After completing the payment, you can click Renewal History in My Business Services at the top of the page.

Step 9: You can download the latest SSM certificate and business information, remember to download within 14 days, after 14 days it will be gone.

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