Since the outbreak in India in February, the Delta virus has spread rapidly to at least 132 countries around the world, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that “the battle has changed” since the outbreak. Unlike Covid, the Delta variant is considered more dangerous not only because the symptoms it causes are different from those we’re already familiar with, but also because the transmission rate is surprisingly high!
Although we have known for a long time that the Delta virus is more terrible than the COVID-19 virus, but do we really understand how terrible the Delta virus is, how high the transmission rate is?
According to Sin Chew Daily recently, if the risk of transmission of Delta virus is doubled by calm breathing, the transmission rate is seven times higher when people are breathing through their mouths through vigorous exercise; Normal speech 8 times; Normal singing or talking loudly is 11 times higher; Singing aloud at the end was 90 times more.

After seeing the news, many netizens were surprised and left comments such as “the school will no longer be able to sing the national anthem and school song during weekly meetings”, “Talking nonsense with others also cannot~”, “those who go jogging or doing sports outside are dangerous”, and “It seems that the singing career will continue to be unemployed”.