
How much you need to pay for a Toyota Veloz monthly?


Toyota Veloz is now available for pre-order at a tentative price of RM95,000 and if you are interested in buying a Toyota Veloz, here are the details of the monthly loan payments.

The Toyota Veloz is an extension of the Avanza and is also a 7-passenger MPV, but the Toyota Veloz is more advanced than the Avanza.

Toyota Veloz is equipped with essential safety features, such as Collision Warning System (PCS), Automatic Cruise Control (ACC), and Electronic Power Braking (EPB).

From Toyota’s official website, the Toyota Veloz is only available in 1 model, the Veloz 1.5 (AT), and is tentatively priced at RM95,000, a price that includes sales tax (SST), but does not yet include car insurance.

With a 90% loan and 2.50% interest rate, the monthly payment will be RM1,195 for a 7-year loan and RM969 for a 9-year loan.

The actual monthly payment will depend on the interest rate offered by the bank, the buyer’s credit rating and the buyer’s down payment amount.


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