
Healthy snack for supper that won’t make you fat!


Healthy snack for supper that won’t make you fat!
Although some late night snack like instant noodles are delicious and easy to cook, but they can be a burden to the body. Here is some recommended late night snacks. If you are still hungry after dinner, eat these foods!


Tofu contains about 74 calories, it has more protein and a little bit is enough as it is quite filling. The iron and soft phospholipids in tofu can help remove body fat. Simply cook the tofu and dip it in soy sauce is the perfect match.


Among the nuts, pistachios have the title of “skinny nuts”. This is because it has the lowest calories of any nut and has more melatonin than any other nut, which can also help with good sleep quality.


Bananas do not contain any fat, sodium or cholesterol, they are carbohydrates and you will feel full after eating them. The magnesium in bananas helps to relax muscles and relieve tension, so it is also a good food to help with sleep.


One egg contains only 80 calories and you’ll feel full after eating one. Plus, egg yolk helps you sleep well as it helps produce melatonin.

Be healthy~ Stay tune on LehLeo for more interesting info.

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